Ethias partner of the UEC Road European Championships in Limburg
In 2024, the UEC Road European Championships are coming to Limburg from 11 to 15 September. The course was presented in September and now the organisation is proudly announcing a partnership with Ethias.
After the World Championships in 2021, another major cycling event will be coming to Flanders next year. Limburg is looking forward to crowning no fewer than 14 European champions between Wednesday 11 and Sunday 15 September. All the races will start in Heusden-Zolder, at the brand-new velodrome and car circuit. The finish for each race will be on Koning Boudewijnlaan in Hasselt.
To organise these five days of competition at the highest level, vzw EK Limburg 2024, a collaboration between Flanders Classics and vzw Limburg demarreert, can count on the support of Ethias. The Belgian insurer has its Flemish home base in Hasselt, making Ethias, Limburg and by extension these championships inextricably linked.
Ethias wants to get as many people as possible into sports, because after all, exercise, an active lifestyle and working on our health are things that we as an insurer consider important
“Ethias wants to get as many people as possible into sports”, says Peter Maris, Head of Brand Communication & Activation at Ethias. “Because after all, exercise, an active lifestyle and working on our health are things that we as an insurer consider important. Apart from that, sport - like culture - also has an important social dimension. It has the power to connect people from all sections of the population, from different regions, with different backgrounds, education and from different origins. Sport brings people together, both to participate actively in sport, be it by way of recreation (on your own or with a few friends) or by way of competition (as a club or team), and to experience sport from the sidelines, as an enthusiastic fan, because sport is of course also fun & entertainment. In this context, it is therefore only natural that we are acting with great enthusiasm as a sponsor of the 2024 UEC Road European Championship in Limburg.”
“We are looking forward to joining forces as part of the European Championship”, says Tomas Van Den Spiegel on behalf of vzw EK Limburg 2024. “Ethias has a heart for cycle racing, with Wout van Aert as ambassador and contender for success on the course of a European Championship in his own country. In addition, sustainability is one of Ethias’ core values, as well as being a core value of the UEC Road European Championships. So we will very much enjoy writing the sporting and sustainable story of Limburg 2024 together.”